There are two key ways to be involved in the effort to raise the profile of Restorative Schools and, ultimately, enable all Maryland schools to be Restorative Schools.
First, you want to know more. Join the Voices for Restorative Schools Network. In this context, you won’t be asked to actually do anything, but we will keep you informed. We will bring to your attention news articles, research summaries, opportunities to learn more. We will share stories of students and staff in Restorative Schools whose lives have been changed as a result of the restorative culture in their school.
Second, you know enough to know that you at least want to know about opportunities to be actively involved a little or a lot in helping make restorative practices a reality in the lives of students and staff across Maryland. We will let you know how a letter to your legislator or the Governor could make a difference. We will let you know about the availability of speakers who are available to your church or synagogue, service club, neighborhood association or even a group of your neighbors in your living room to share the restorative practices experience:
You may want to write a letter to the editor or pen an op ed piece.
You may want to recruit friends, neighbors, colleagues, or members of organizations of which you are a part to become part of the growing support of Restorative Schools.
You may want to help with the Voices website or social media outreach.
The possibilities are constrained only by our imagination.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has”
For any level of involvement, please fill out this form and we’ll be in touch.
*Note: We ask and use your zip code to determine the state legislative districts with which your residence overlaps.
Many thanks for your interest. We'll be in touch soon.
Voices for Restorative Schools
731 Colorado Ave.
Baltimore, MD 21210
Voices for Restorative Schools | All Rights Reserved